To those who were
willing to participate in the International Seminar but did not have the
chance to be physically present, the Italian Cooperation gives the
chance to send papers and documents that could be considered relevant
for the discussion.
The integral version
of the documents can be found in this CD ROM (attached to the book), but
the reader can find an overview in the following lines.
Susan Johnson
is a researcher and a consultant specializing in evaluation and impact
assessment of microfinance programs. Previously she worked in for
ActionAid reviewing their microfinance work in Asia, Africa and Latin
America and has since undertaken similar work involving NGOs in
Bangladesh, Kenya, and Zambia. She is co-author, with Ben Rogaly, of
Microfinance and Poverty Reduction, published by Oxfam. Contact
details: Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath, Bath BA2
7AY, UK.
Her papers:
Gender impact
assessment in microfinance and microenterprise: why and how,
Development in practice, Volume 10, Number 1, February 2000
Understanding the way a project has approached gender is
a good starting point in designing an impact assessment. The impact
assessment work might then be approached as follows: establish a gender
baseline, consider the potential impact of the project on gender
relations, establish the information and indicators required, collect
and analyze the data using tools and techniques appropriate to the task.
It is also important to take into consideration other non quantitative
factors such as how people organize their financial and economic affairs
inside the household, which is usually a very delicate area.
Gender Norms in Financial Markets: Evidence from Kenya,
World Development Vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 1355-1374, 2004
The role of
institutions - rules and norms - in markets is increasingly recognized
in development area. This paper considers the role of gender relations
for rules and norms in financial markets. Using evidences from Central
Kenya it develops a framework for establishing the influence of gender
on the demand for and on the access to financial services. Then it
explains the gender differentiated use of rotating savings and credit
associations (ROSCAs). First it analyzes intrahousehold norms related
to income and expenditure flows and their management to identify
gendered patterns of demand. Second, by conceptualizing financial
intermediaries as operating within rules and norms, it allows the
influence of gender relations on access to financial services to be more
systematically investigated.
new gender agenda for microfinance?
Small Enterprise
Development Vol. 15 No 1 March 2004
Debates about the
impact of microfinance on women’s empowerment have now been going on for
some time. The first problem is the term ‘empowerment’ itself, as it is
often used but its clear definition is often in the mind of the
beholder. Along with these problems of definition, studies that have
delved into women’s experiences in detail have exposed a range of
negative impacts, such as increased workloads for women, the withdrawal
of male contributions to household expenditures, not to mention even
domestic violence and abuse. This highlights the issue at the heart of
the overall debate: it simply defines women’s efficient way to
development - that is, to getting credit into the household - . Since
women, more likely than men, are available in the home, attend meetings,
are easily guided by field staff and take repayment more seriously, why
shouldn’t they themselves invest or control the loans?
Zvi Galore
has worked for 22 years at the International Institute - Histadrut,
and 6 of
which as
Academic Director of the Institute. His website is: .
His papers:
"Thinking about MFIs
and BDSs: How BDS in its Larger Sense shouldServe Best the Needs of the
The paper tackles the
issue about wether MFIs are satisfied with their activities as finance
suppliers for small entrepreneurs, or if they should think that this
activity is not sufficient and it should be linked to the other aspects
needed to create a successful enterprise.
Nabil El Shami
is the executive Director of ABA, The Alexandria Business Association.
His presentation,
Microfinance and the regulatory framework in Egypt
gives a clear and complete overview on the chances and constraints of
the present legal framework on Egyptian microfinance.
"Commercial Banking
and Microfinance in Egypt: National Bank for development Case Study",
R. Dhumale, A. Sapcanin, W. Tucker
A study by the Regional Bureau for Arab States, UNDP, in cooperation
with the Middle East and North Africa Region, WB
Executive Summary
There is a large unmet
demand for microfinance services among the entrepreneurial poor in
Egypt. It is estimated that Egypt microfinance initiatives currently
reach only about 5 percent of the more than 2 million potential
borrowers. In this situation, commercial banks could play an important
role since they have the advantage of both outreach capacity through
their branch networks and fundraising capacity through their legal
ability to accept savings and deposits.
commercial banks in Egypt, as in many other developing countries, have
shed away from microfinance, perceiving it as very risky and
low-rewarding. The National Bank for Development (NBD) in Egypt,
however, has had a different experience. A private commercial bank, NBD
has successfully run a microlending program for over 16 years.
Microlending programs
have existed in Egypt since the mid-1960s. Most microfinance services
are delivered through government and nongovernmental organization (NGO)
programs and some are conducted through business associations,
development intermediaries, and public sector and special-purpose banks.
Until recently, microfinance services in Egypt have only existed within
broader human development and social safety net strategies.
An important
microfinance provider is the Egyptian Social Fund for Development (SFD),
which distributes sizable amounts of its funds through NGOs. There are
also several national and international NGOs that have been more
effective at dealing with the credit needs of the poor; they lack the
infrastructure and institutional setup to expand beyond their local
communities. The NBD has been the first commercial bank to start
microfinance operations in Egypt.
Realizing the twin
potential, for banks, of microlending for generating profits while
helping to combat poverty in Egypt, the NBD, in collaboration with the
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has established the
Small and Microenterprise Division in 1987 with microlending operations
in four of its branches. By 2003, microlending services have been
delivered to 22,600 active borrowers with about $8.2 million in
outstanding loans in 44 branches.
The NBD’s approach to microfinance
In the Egyptian
microfinance context, the NBD microlending program represents a unique
operation. Modeled in part after the Grameen Bank, the NBD program
combines the attitude of NGOs and the sound financial principles of
banks, to make microenterprise lending a sustainable operation. This
vision has been translated into flexible lending procedures and
client-oriented service delivery through well-trained and motivated bank
staff. At the same time these principles have shaped and guided the
starting up, the progress, and the expansion of the NBD microlending
program over the past 15 years and have contributed to its
In the short run, the
NBD’s objective is to provide microenterprises with access to credits
which would traditionally be denied by conventional banks. In the long
run, its objective is to turn these borrowers into clients with more
conventional banking standards.
Besides these two
objectives there are several other considerations to point out:
improving the quality of life of small borrowers, promoting employment
generation, preserving and expanding small enterprises and fostering
better business practices among the poor. The NBD deals with small
borrowers with already existing enterprises that are neglected by
traditional banking institutions.
The NBD loans are
small and with short maturities. Up to 2000, the maximum loan size was
LE10,000 (approximately $3000). To further extend its outreach to the
poor, in 2000 the bank management has decided to reduce the maximum loan
size to LE3,000 (approximately $500 at the June 2003 prevailing exchange
rate). Total bank charges are about 30 percent. No collateral is
required and loan approval is based on the enterprise feasibility and
its cash flow cycle. The program is targeted for the poor: the average
loan size is $480 while a typical poor household of six persons in Egypt
has an average expenditure level of $1,358 per annum (2002 data).
The NBD has also made
special efforts in recent years to reach female clients; as a result,
the proportion of loans to women has risen from around 13.5 percent in
1998 to around 22 percent today. The program has been profitable for
over 10 years. Yet, at just under 18 percent, the profit rate of the
microlending operations is higher than the rate in more conventional
lending bank operations.
A unique feature of
the NBD structure is its mobile banking units. While this brings
additional costs, NBD has been able to recuperate the costs since the
poor are willing to pay for having services at their doorstep.
Loan approval
procedures are transparent and quick since the entire process generally
takes less than two weeks. Close supervision, while costly, supports the
viability of individual enterprises and ensures high repayment rates.
Another program innovation is the provision of life insurance coverage
to all the borrowers and a mandatory saving component to be held in an
NBD interest-bearing account.
The possibility of repeating borrowing is also an important feature. In
1998, NBD statistics for a sample of branches showed about 76,700 repeat
loans for a total value of $74.2 million, representing over 70 percent
of the total value of loans disbursed and about 10 loan cycles.
Maintaining steady
growth in its client base is one of the NBD’s challenges. NBD managers
emphasize that the program growth is constrained by the high cost of
reaching microfinance clients. NBD has chosen to serve these clients
through specially trained and remunerated officers rather than using its
regular work force. This practice involves high administrative costs.
Another challenge is to find a level of loan charges that maintains
profitability but does not choke off program growth over time. Another
continuing challenge for NBD will be balancing its targeting objective
with that of helping clients get more benefits out of borrowing and/or
maintaining steady program growth.
The NBD program’s impact
Today 20 of NBD’s 44
branches are donor-financed (17 by USAID and 3 by the Canadian
International Development Agency, the United Nations Children’s Fund,
and the Ford Foundation) and 24 are self-funded. Program outreach also
grew to about 22,600 borrowers, generating an $8.2 million loan
NBD’s microfinance
program achieved profitability very quickly.
So far no systematic
and statistically-sound quantitative assessment has been conducted on
the NBD microcredit program impact on the livelihoods of its
beneficiaries. From a selected sample of repeat borrowers, however, NBD
staff has noted increases in the number of employees in beneficiaries’
enterprises and that over 60 percent reported an increase in their
incomes of more than 50 percent. Other studies in Egypt have found
modest improvements in living standards of microcredit recipients,
including nutritional benefits. Some impact studies in Egypt suggest
that microcredit programs may be less effective in reaching the
vulnerable; this may be because the poor are best served by direct
assistance measures, while microfinance services are more effective when
tailored for the entrepreneurial poor.
Chiara Segrado
is a UN Fellow at the Italian Cooperation Office, Italian Embassy in
Cairo, Egypt. In the past she worked as a microfinance consultant for
Italian NGOs in Brazil and India.
Her paper:
"The involvement of
commercial banks in microfinance: the Egyptian experience" MEDA Project
Microfinance at the University, Università di Torino, Italy. The paper
investigates the process of downscaling Egyptian commercial banks into
microfinance. Through the analysis of the reasons that lead banks to get
involved into microfinance and the activities carried out in this field
by 3 Egyptian financial institutions (Banque du Caire, Banque Misr and
National Bank for Development) it tracks a line on the strengths,
weaknesses and missing points of the microfinance industry in Egypt. |